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Found 335 results for the keyword other ways to give. Time 0.012 seconds.
Other Ways You Can Give/Gift - Child Neurology FoundationBeyond a traditional cash donation, we have plenty of other ways you can support our work based on your financial goals and life milestones.
Other Ways to Give | FIRSTFIRST is a global robotics community preparing young people for the future and the world’s leading youth-serving nonprofit advancing STEM education.
A History of Protecting Freedom Where Law and Technology Collide | EleThe Electronic Frontier Foundation was founded in July of 1990 in response to a basic threat to speech and privacy. The United States Secret Service conducted a series of raids tracking the distribution of a document ill
Podcast Episode: Open Source Beats Authoritarianism | Electronic FrontWhat if we thought about democracy as a kind of open-source social technology, in which everyone can see the how and why of policy making, and everyone’s concerns and preferences are elicited in a way that respects each
Contact EFF | Electronic Frontier FoundationCan EFF represent me?Maybe. Find out about EFF s Legal Assistance Services here.Can EFF address an event in my community?Maybe. Submit a request for a speaker here and we ll get back to you soon.For all other inquiries,
Opportunities | Electronic Frontier FoundationAbout Working With EFFWe value diversity and inclusion in all that we do.We have awesome benefits like rental subsidies and student loan payments.We LOVE to have EFFun!!!Job OpeningsLegal InternshipsTech InternshipsVolun
EFF's Staff and Contributors | Electronic Frontier FoundationPlease be respectful of the time of our attorneys. Direct all legal inquiries, not to the individual attorney, but to All inquiries will be routed to For expedited responses to media inquiries
Free Speech | Electronic Frontier FoundationThe online world offers the promise of speech with minimal barriers and without borders. New technologies and widespread internet access have radically enhanced our ability to express ourselves; criticize those in power;
Creativity & Innovation | Electronic Frontier FoundationOur digital future depends on our ability to access, use, and build on technology. A few media or political interests shouldn’t have unfair technological or legal advantages over the rest of us. Unfortunately, litigious
International | Electronic Frontier FoundationEFF s international team advocates for privacy, free speech, and an open Internet in international venues and across the world. We expose mass and unwarranted surveillance, and educate unlawfully targeted users on how to
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